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Macaulay Maps - Land Capability for Forestry Maps | Hutton Soils

Macaulay Maps - Land Capability for Forestry Maps

MacaulayMaps is a new service supplying maps and related publications that are available from The James Hutton Institute. We offer a series of soils maps and climate, forestry and agricultural suitability maps, at various scales.

Maps can be ordered online by clicking "add to cart" next to the chosen product. Maps are paid for using your credit/debit card or PayPal account.

Please note that digital version of the paper maps are not available for download or purchase, however the digital data which forms the map content (e.g. Land Capability or Soils data) is available to from the Scotland's Soils website under an Open Data licence.

General enquiries are available via e-mail

More information and ordering details are available from: David Donnelly Tel: 01224 395265.

LCF Maps

This series consists of five maps on the same sheet lines and with the same titles as the soil and land capability for agriculture maps - see index below (click to enlarge). Sheet 3 includes an insert of Sheet 1 (Orkney and Shetland) at 1:1 million scale and Sheet 4 includes an insert of Sheet 2 (Outer Hebrides) at 1:1 million scale. Descriptive handbooks are available separately for each area at a price of £4.80 including postage. They have the same number and title as the maps.

Price (GBP): 28.80 (includes postage)

1 and 3 Northern Scotland and Orkney and Shetland
2 and 4 Outer Hebrides and West Coast
5 North East Scotland
6 South West Coast
7 South East and Borders
LCF Maps areas image
LCF Maps sample image